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Aaron Watson
West Elk Mountains, Colorado, USA
12:03 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D750
Rokinon 14mm f2.8 lens
25sec, f/4
ISO 6400

Post-processing Details:

Vivid green "aurora-like" airglow event over the West Elk Mountains. I woke up around midnight and could see the streaks and ripples glowing across the band of the Milky Way with my unaided eye. There were big thunderstorms on the eastern plains causing flashes of bright lightning. I could see the airglow for about an hour until it was washed out by lunar twilight from the rising gibbous moon.

Image Details:

Vivid green "aurora-like" airglow over the West Elk Mountains. I woke up around midnight and could see the streaks and ripples glowing across the band of the Milky Way with my unaided eye. There were big thunderstorms on the eastern plains causing flashes of bright lightning. I could see the airglow for about an hour until it was washed out by lunar twilight from the rising gibbous moon. Time-lapse video of the event at