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Steve Price
Draper,UT USA
05:10 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon T7 with Canon 70-200mm Zoom lens @200mm Auto/Manual focus, shot indoors through the dining room window.

Post-processing Details:

Cropped, sharpened, composited.

Image Details:

Yesterday after work, during a break from the severe snowstorm dumping foot of snow in the valley, I watched the birds feeding in the backyard. There were Chickadees, House Finches, Lesser Goldfinches, Downy Woodpeckers ( a male and a female ) and a few Mourning Doves all feeding peacefully.

And then the Piranha Birds showed up - AKA - European Starlings. These guys came in like locusts and chaos broke out everywhere. All the peaceful birds flew up into the trees. The Starlings went nuts on the feeders - dumping all the seeds outs, ravishing the suet feeders, squabbling amongst each other and generally wreaking havoc.

I tossed another suet ball out the door and within minutes they were all over it. Every now and then I would tap the window and spook them off so the other birds could get a bit of a meal. The Starlings came right back and before long they were conditioned to my window tapping as a false threat. They only flew up about 3 feet then dropped like stones back to the feeding business. Looked like a sci-fi space movie when the artificial gravity device turns on and everything in the space ship drops instantly. They cleaned up the crumbs and left. The feeders were full that empty.