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matthew chin
Hong Kong
11:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Equipment : Nikon D750 with 17-35mm, 300mm lens

Post-processing Details:

Processing: the different exposure Moon is resized from 300mm image and pasted to the position it is on the 17mm photo.

Image Details:

Moon Trail | 2023/3/4 - 2023/3/11 11pm | Yuen Long, Hong Kong © Matthew Chin

If you have an open view, you can take Moon photos in same time and same location from around lunar day 6 to 21, depend if any obstruction in your view. A Moon curve (but not the analemma shape 8) will be obtained, its position will vary in each month in a year. I took between day 13 to 20 as West side is obstructed.
The curve forms as Moon rises daily with a delay about 50 mins (1.035028 days) from previous day. In the photo, West is on the top, and East is in the bottom.

Equipment : Nikon D750 with 17-35mm, 300mm lens
Processing: the different exposure Moon is resized from 300mm image and pasted to the position it is on the 17mm photo.

For Lunar Analemma, please refer my 2021 image:

© Copyright by Matthew Chin

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