EarthSky Community Photos

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Eliot Herman
Tucson AZ
07:15 pm

Equipment Details:

Captured with a Vixen VSD telescope and a Nikon Z7II camera.

Post-processing Details:

This image is a total of 5 min in 15 sec subs stacked.

Image Details:

An unusual event, two comets passing, from our perspective, in a close conjunction. Comet 2022 U2 Atlas (mag 11.6) in the middle left close to 2022 E3 ZTF. The comets are actually about 38 million km apart and only look in close conjunction from our perspective. This was captured in a brief window, there was a thin window before the Moon rose and before that the clouds gathered ending the capture, captured with a Vixen VSD telescope and a Nikon Z7II camera.