EarthSky Community Photos

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Jelieta Walinski Ph.D
Hickiwan, AZ, USA
03:10 am

Equipment Details:

Optics: Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25 235mm f/10 Schmidth Cassegrain Telescope

Mount: Sky Watcher EQ-6R PRO Computerized Equatorial Mount - S30300

Camera: ZWO - ASI2600MCPRO

ZWO 30F4 Miniscope

ZWO Asi 462MC Planetary Camera

ZWO AsiAir Pro Wifi Camera Controller

ZWO Standard Electronic Automatic Focuser EAF-5V

Optolong L-Pro 2” Multiband Pass Filter

Post-processing Details:

The image was processed through pixinsight and photoshop.

Image Details:

On January 17, 2022 I was out started at about 4:00 PM to set up my telescope and take photos of the night sky. But I waited until 1:30 AM to see this Comet C/2022 at the horizon of South Arizona, USA. Right where the big polluted sky from Phoenix it appeared. So I waited until it was about 40 degrees in the sky and I started to photograph this. It was my first night to photograph this. So experimented on the exposure, I used 60 sec, 300 sec, and 600 sec. I love the 600 second exposure because I can see the tail.

The ion tail of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is distorted, some kind of a cut.

I was already shivering when I captured it because of being out for long time thought I bundled up at 8 layers still so cold...I said to myself never mind with the cold, there is 50,000 years visitor that show up and I need to document its beauty.