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Peter Forister
Louisa, Virginia, USA
01:00 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS RP, Sigma 100-400mm telephoto, Sigma 35mm prime, Sky Watcher Star-Adventurer tracker

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#comet c/2022 e3 ZTF. Louisa County, VA 1/24/23
This is a stacked photo - 5x 60" 400mm comet detail. 1x 30" 35mm foreground. Note that this is *not* representative as to what it looks like with the naked eye right now,

Image Details:

Comet c/2022 e3 ZTF from Louisa County, VA late last night. Beautiful ion tail and anti-tail structure. I can confirm that it is barely naked eye visible! I was able to spot it, but only when it was nearly directly overhead (just northeast of the Little Dipper). It's best to not look directly at the object, but rather use peripheral vision because it is more sensitive in low light! It looks like a little fuzzy spot with a very slight green tinge.