EarthSky Community Photos

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Lynzie Flynn
Whittier, CA, U.S.
11:39 am

Equipment Details:

Canon R5, Canon RF 100-500mm f4.5 - 7.1 L IS USM

Post-processing Details:

Edited in Adobe Lightroom Classic and Topaz Photo AI

Image Details:

I was with an Audubon group this morning and our leader pointed out a Peregrine Falcon near the top of a transmission tower. I took a couple ID shots but it was so distant and so high any image would be close to useless. I continued to watch the bird when all of a sudden it took off and headed even further away from me. I saw it starting to bank and head back and I just had enough time to change my shutter speed and get my camera aimed up at it. I really didn't think I would get a decent shot but as it was, the light was perfect and I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at it on review.