EarthSky Community Photos

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Peter Lowenstein
Mutare, Zimbabwe
06:45 pm

Equipment Details:

Tripod-mounted Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ60 and ZS40

Post-processing Details:

Select, extract, crop, process (adjust brightness and contrast) and remove camera artefacts from16 video frames and produce photo-montage.

Image Details:

Spectacular Lightning.
Dark clouds gathered over Mutare late afternoon on Thursday 10th November which developed into the first severe thunderstorm of the new rainy season. This produced more than 50 mm of rain and was accompanied by several cloud-to-ground lightning strikes and spectacular displays of cloud-to-cloud anvil crawlers up to a few kilometres in length. Some of these are shown in the accompanying sixteen image photo montage. The delay in presentation is due to the time-consuming effort required to locate, recover, edit and process all the material required to best display the lightning.