EarthSky Community Photos

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Alexandru Barbovschi
Costesti Lake, Ialoveni District, Republic of Moldova
01:38 pm

Equipment Details:

Sony A7III (ISO100) and Sony 24mm GM lens (closed down to f/8). Baader AstroSolar ND5 film was used for the eclipse phases (1/500s).

Post-processing Details:

The foreground shot is a bracketed one (3EV), merged using enfuse and post-processed using RawTherapee. The eclipsed Sun sequence created using StarStaX. The composite image was created using Gimp.

Image Details:

Weather forecast was really bad for this Partial Solar Eclipse, chances were pretty slim. But as you can see from the image - the first half of the eclipse was pretty good in terms of the clear sky! Also, there was no wind and it was really warm, awesome outing overall 😊 I am very glad I've scouted this spot ahead of time and happy that I've shared this adventure with three of my friends who also took days off to join me!