EarthSky Community Photos

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Stéphane Picard
Quispamsis, New Brunswick, Canada
02:30 am

Equipment Details:

400 frames @ 8 seconds each. Camera details: Canon T1i w/ 300 mm lens F5.6 ISO 3200. Mounted piggyback on a Celestron Nexstar 6SE for tracking and alignment.

Post-processing Details:

Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker with 30 flats and 30 darks. Processed in Photoshop and Lightroom.

Image Details:

The Flame and Horsehead nebulae are Alnitak's (first star on Orion's belt) constant companions. Love these two nebulae because of the dramatic contrast of the dark gas clouds in front of the diffuse and emission gas clouds. Some of my favorite Fall and Winter targets beginning to grace our night sky.