EarthSky Community Photos

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Miguel Ventura
Fafe - Portugal
04:57 am

Equipment Details:

Canon 6D Mk II
irix 15mm
Tiffen Double Fog 3
star adventurer
Sky 5x60sec
Foreground 1 x120sec

Post-processing Details:

Photoshop and Lr

Image Details:

Road to Orion

Every now and then and in addition to its natural beauty, the night sky and the whims of the universe offer us moments like this…
With some planning and luck in the mix (truce from the clouds) I was able to photograph this magnificent alignment in which we can see the Pleiades and the constellation of Taurus with the Planet Mars in between these two… below in the horizon appears like announcing the autumn sky the imposing constellation of Orion…

One of my favorite things to photograph this year…