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Jelieta Walinski Ph.D
Medicine Rock State Park, Montana, USA
09:47 pm

Equipment Details:

Optics: Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25 235mm f/10 Schmidth Cassegrain Telescope

Mount: Sky Watcher EQ-6R PRO Computerized Equatorial Mount - S30300

Camera: ZWO - ASI2600MCPRO

Starizona Hyperstar 4 HS4-C925

ZWO AsiAir Pro Wifi Camera Controller

ZWO Standard Electronic Automatic Focuser EAF-5V

Optolong L-Pro 2” Multiband Pass Filter

Dew Heater Astrozap

Celestron Dew Shield

ZWO 30F4 Miniscope

ZWO Asi 462MC Planetary Camera

Samsung Cellular Phone

Sandisk usb drive 512gb

3 TB external Drive

Post-processing Details:

Images were downloaded via Bridge, edited in PI, and Photoshop

Image Details:

The image is C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) is an Oort cloud comet with an inbound hyperbolic orbit. This particular comet was discovered in May 2017 at a distance beyond the orbit of Saturn when it was 16 AU (2.4 billion km) from the sun. It is currently is currently 174,058,942 miles (280,120,714 km) from Earth. The sphere of gas (coma) surrounding C/2017 K2 has an estimated diameter of 80,700 miles (129,874 km), which is 10 times the Earth’s diameter!

I exposed the image at 420 sec at 15 frames. It was captured in July 28, 2022 at Medicine Rock State Park, in Montana, USA. This particular state park is a treasure since it is full of history, culture, and unique topography-and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As its name implies, Medicine Rocks was a place of 'big medicine' where Indian hunting parties conjured up magical spirits. Medicine Rock State Park is certified International Dark Sky Sanctuary by IDA. As what I observed it is Bortle 1 in the Bortle scale.

Being there, I felt so privilege to witnessed the grandeur beauty of the place and so connected with my ancestors and capturing the C/2017 K2 was just a bonus to me.