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Cecille Kennedy
Depoe Bay, Oregon US
10:40 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon P1000

Post-processing Details:

contrast, crop PS. collage MS Paint

Image Details:

Sometimes when a whale breathes air out of its blow hole (the whale's version of nostrils), it shows up as a spray or mist – called a “spout” – that can be seen many miles away. The telltale spouts that are formed on the surface occur when whales expel warm air that meets colder air on the surface and condenses into small water droplets. In certain light the whale spouts resemble rainbow colors as seen in the collage, except the lower right image. The grey whales are commonly seen in the Pacific Ocean in our area in Depoe Bay, Oregon this time of year. They are huge and magnificent-adults weigh 30-40 tons (60,000-80,000 lbs), length 45-40 feet.