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Meiying Lee
Taipei, Taiwan
04:10 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS 600D + SIGMA 8mm Lens

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Today is the summer solstice and the sunrise is very early. In the early morning, despite the interference of thin clouds, the planets were still arranged in order from east to south in the sky. Mercury is the most difficult to observe. It rises from the already dimly lit sky at around 4 am, so to photograph five planets appearing in the sky at the same time, there is only a short 20 minutes to have a chance to photograph! Today is very lucky. Although there are still thin clouds on the eastern horizon, Mercury can still be seen. The five planets are arranged on the ecliptic plane and draw a big arc. Today's thin clouds just allow the formation of the lunar halo, adding to the mystery and beauty of the planetary arrangement.
Time-lapse video link of planetary motion: