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Dan Bush
Albany, Missouri
11:33 pm

Equipment Details:

Off-The-Shelf Hikvision Surveillance Camera set to "Slow Shutter" level 8.

Post-processing Details:

Videos of this event and a second one can be seen on my Facebook page. I used Photoshop to capture and stack frames from the videos to produce the image shown here.

Image Details:

I have an amateur astronomer-owned meteor monitoring station at my home in Albany, Missouri. The image shown is an image stack of several frames from one of last night's bright meteors that showed up on several of my cameras. There were two very bright and unrelated meteors. One occurred at 11:33 pm CDT and the other at 2:00 am CDT. The second one not pictured here was so bright as to overwhelm the sensor on the camera briefly. What appears to be high-thin cirrus clouds to the right in this image is actually Airglow and was invisible to the unaided eye at the time. I have captured hundreds of bright meteors over the past decade with my monitoring station. I report my observations to the American Meteor Society.