EarthSky Community Photos

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David Hoskin
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
07:00 pm

Equipment Details:

William Optics RedCat51 astrograph, ZWO ASI183MC camera with UV/IR cut filter, SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount

Post-processing Details:

29 4-minute lights (guided) plus calibration frames were stacked using DeepSkyStacker; other post-processing with Photoshop CS2 plus Astronomy Tools plugin, and PhotoScape X. Diffraction spikes added during post-processing.

Image Details:

Last night I braved the sub-zero cold to spend some time imaging Kemble's Cascade, which is a line of colorful stars in Camelopardalis that ends in the compact open star cluster NGC 1502. Father Lucien Kemble, a Franciscan priest and member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, was the discoverer of this asterism.