EarthSky Community Photos

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Patrice Duffy
Shohola, Pennsylvania
04:54 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon d810 camera, Nikkor 14mm-24mm f/2.8 lens, Manfrotto tripod and Aodelan wireless remote.
Taken at 15mm, 6 seconds, ISO 1600f/2.8

Post-processing Details:

In Lightroom classic I lightened the photo a bit and cropped a bit.

Image Details:

I bundled up and headed for Shohola Falls parking are in Shohola, Pa. about 10;30PM and stayed out in the cold winter night until about 5:00Am. I couldn't leave. The Geminids Meteor shower was spectacular this year!! Even as I pulled into my driveway I still saw some falling out of the sky! Just incredible!