EarthSky Community Photos

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Michael Teoh
Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia
10:53 am

Equipment Details:

Lunt LS152THa
Tele Vue 3x Barlow
QHY5L-II-M Camera

Post-processing Details:

Two exposures, one on the surface, one on the prominence
Stacked with AutoStakkkert!3
Wavelet adjustment with Registax 6
Composite, enhancement and false color with Photoshop 2020

Image Details:

On Oct 26, 2021, active region AR2891 was still hiding behind the northeastern limb of the Sun, while releasing eight solar flares on that day alone. At around 03:00 UT, the active region released a M1-class flare. I was able to capture an image of the region just before it erupted. I was planning for a timelapse of the region as I noticed that it was actively changing, but unfortunately the clouds rolled in just as I started recording, and therefore missed the whole eruption.