EarthSky Community Photos

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Steve Price
The Last Chance Desert, Utah, USA
11:19 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon 3Ti, Rokinon 14mm, Vivitar Tripod, flashlight for illuminating the foreground sandstone cliffs.

Post-processing Details:

Color/contrast editing. Removed lots of hot pixels. No stacking of multiple images; just a single exposure ~ 25 seconds, ten second timer allowing me to run forward to illuminate the cliff walls.

Image Details:

New moon phase during July 2021. The night of 7.10.21. Approximately 15 miles into The Last Chance Desert near Solomon's Temple, sandstone monolith...which can be found on Google Maps here:,-111.3146165,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP7CM5CSdB7KvxXxr78O7C-qVKbTIpKxk38QZk!2e10!3e12!!7i4160!8i2768!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x874bc8d2e0fe3d79:0xa6ad6862a74c504b!2sFremont+Junction,+UT!3b1!8m2!3d38.7558083!4d-111.381566!3m4!1s0x874a32240169fd91:0xd822785a896d6b12!8m2!3d38.5658092!4d-111.3146138?hl=en

I had a very short window to shoot as the Oregon Bootleg Fire smoke and haze has been blowing into Utah for weeks. A cool night breeze kicked up, giving me a one hour window between 10:45 and 11:45PM that night. Then the smoke and haze returned for an hour or so dimming the Milky Way and most stars. Later another window opened between 12:30 and 2:00 AM but was murky near the ground and less clear than the previous time slot. Still .... a great night to be alone in the desert with the stars and a few mammals scurrying around.

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