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Canon Eos Ra in 1.6 crop mode, Canon 70-200mm lens at 135 mm on SkyWatcherStar Adventurer star tracker, 30s exposures, f 2.8, ISO 800 taken 26 May 2021 between 4:09 am and 4:27 am to expose for the Rho Ophiuchi complex, then at 4:27 am 3s exposures ISO 200, f2.8 to expose for the eclipsed moon. Planned with Stellarium and Xavier Jubier’s lunar eclipse time exposure calculator. Camera controlled with APT.
Digitally processed by Alexandru Barbovschi from Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. Pre-processed with darks using Siril. Stacked 34 frames of 30s to get Rho Ophiuci (and trailed overexposed Moon) Stacked 9 frames of 3s to get a properly exposed Moon (and cut it off from there). Rho Ophiuci post-processed in RawTherapee and sent through StarFixer. Final composite made in Gimp.
Rho Ophiuchi Molecular Cloud Complex during the Total Lunar Eclipse 26 May 2021
Taken by myself from Bortle 3 skies on a dark desert highway in Northern California (near Little Panoche Reservoir). I saw the Milky Way appear naked eye during the partial phases of the eclipse. It was a mind-blowing experience!