EarthSky Community Photos

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Marco Nero
Bellbird Hill Lookout at Kurrajong, Sydney, NSW, Australia
09:20 pm

Equipment Details:

CAMERA: Canon EOS Ra (astromodified sensor) Camera.
LENS: Canon EOS RF 85mm f/1.2L USM lens.
TRIPOD: Celestron CGX (only for stability, no tracking or polar alignment).
SETTINGS: 5 Second single Exposure in JPEG, f/1.4, ISO 5000

Post-processing Details:

Lightroom + Photoshop: Hue, Levels, Clarity, Contrast, Curves, Color Balance, Saturation, Tone.
Image was very lightly cropped to remove slight light-falloff (vignetting) in the corners.

Image Details:

Shot during the last moments of the Eclipse with a Canon EOS Ra astrophotography camera. This surreal looking image is (surprisingly) not a composite. The modified sensor on the EOS Ra captured a brightly saturated crimson flare due just as the eclipse was ending - due to its propensity to respond to red and infrared colors as well as bright subjects. No colors were added - all the colors in this image were extracted from the JPEG data during editing via selective saturation enhancement. I planned this image a year ago when I realized the moon was going to be nestled in the Ophiuchus Complex with bright colors nearby. Though extremely cold at this location in the Sydney Blue Mountains, the view was stupendous and it was wonderful to see the Milky Way appear to the naked eye as the moon dimmed and turned orange-red.

* to EARTHSKY: Original unedited JPEG available for examination.
Can be found here: (select "original" size to view larger)