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Swagata Dutta
Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
02:30 am

Equipment Details:

Camera-Nikon D3400, lens- 18mm kit lens
Software used- Sequator for stacking, GIMP, snapseed

Post-processing Details:

Post processed in GIMP, Snapseed

Image Details:

It was after 2.00 am in the morning, after several days of cloudy nights, finally I was able manage a few shots of the planets Jupiter and Saturn rising along with our home galaxy milkyway after the moon went near horizon and before the patch of clouds start to appear again. Jupiter is the bright dot in the down left corner of the image, Saturn is the smaller dot in middle left and part of the milkyway is in upper right corner in the image. The moon was in 93% illumination phase, so I waited for it go down near horizon before taking the shots. Since I live in a highly light polluted city, it's very difficult to get the milky way through a basic entry level dslr camera, I used stacking technique with multiple shots.
exposure-15 sec, f3.5, iso - 1600 @18mm
Total exposure time- 54×15 sec, bortle scale- 6-7
Stacked in Sequator and post processing done in GIMP and Snapseed. No star tracker is used for this image.