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Equipment and technical data: canon eos R + sigma 150 600 c
(6 sec. f/10 150 mm iso 800 single shot)
Good evening!! another perspective! Once again observers from all over the world have the opportunity to admire in the sky the spectacular and shining trio composed of the rising Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, after having met, last week, the lower planets, Venus and Mercury, the Moon is about to join the shining gas giants, the 4-day Moon will have a magnitude of -11.1 and the giant Jupiter will shine at a magnitude of -2.1. The largest planet of the solar system, Jupiter, and our natural satellite will shine among the stars of the constellation Sagittarius, Saturn the planet of the rings will join the couple, today November 19 I was able to admire and immortalize this show at the Lighthouse of Cape Murro di Porco in Syracuse.