EarthSky Community Photos

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Nancy Ricigliano
New York LI
11:30 pm

Equipment Details:

Celestron 11" HD on a CGX Celestron mount. Camera used was a ZWO ASI290MC
lap top to capture the images.

Post-processing Details:

Three minute exposure
Pipp software program, to control the jumping around of Mars.
AutoStakkert to stack the images.
Registax for wave lengths
Photoshop and used Topaz stabilizer.
I hope this information will be helpful to someone just starting out.

Image Details:

This was taken on 10/6/2020 as Mars made its closest pass by earth for the next 15 years.
I had this telescope for three years. I got caught up in the aperture fever. I could never get it collimated right. The week before I said I'm going to get this once and for all. I finally did it and this was my reward.