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Ray Fox
American River Parkway, Rancho Cordova, CA
09:45 pm

Equipment Details:

iPhone 11 Pro

Post-processing Details:

Various Photoshop tweaks to remove graininess and enhance contrast and color.

Image Details:

On the evening of Friday, July 17, my 13-year-old son and I ventured into the American River Parkway (in the Sacramento suburbs) in pursuit of a clear view of the northwestern horizon, which was surprisingly difficult to achieve. As we ventured deeper into the Parkway, we were treated to a spectacular view of the International Space Station flying directly overhead, its bright and steady light shining down on us as it glided through the summer twilight. We made our way to the banks of the American, where we, at long last, found a clear view of the horizon. And there she was -- Comet NEOWISE! My son had no trouble spotting it with his young eyes, while I could just barely make out a faint fuzzy spot lingering beneath the cup of the Big Dipper. Lifting a pair of 10x30 binoculars to my eyes revealed NEOWISE and its beautiful streaming tail. My son and I stood there for quite some time, shoulder to shoulder, staring at the darkening sky, mesmerized by this beautiful celestial visitor. Our encounter with NEOWISE is one of those father/son moments I will never forget.