EarthSky Community Photos

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Peter Lowenstein
Mutare, Zimbabwe
05:33 pm

Equipment Details:

Tripod-mounted Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ60 in sunset and night scenery modes

Post-processing Details:

Photoshop Elements 15 - crop and size reduce three images for production of mosaic

Image Details:

Young Moon, Mercury and Venus Setting
On 24 May the two day old crescent Moon, Venus and Mercury became visible in the evening sky half-an-hour after sunset despite the glare of a twilight arch. The Moon displaying bright Earthshine was then recorded setting alongside the southern slope of Transmitter Hill from 18.03 to 18.23 in a sequence of 250 stills and these were used to compile a beautiful x60 speed time-lapse animation which will be posted as a comment.