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Dr Ski
Valencia Observatory, Central Philippines
12:50 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS M100
40mm, f1. 6

Post-processing Details:

Slight cropping to conform to the Rule of Thirds. Just joking. Rules are made to be broken. But I did crop the image to make it presentable.

Image Details:

Here's a constellation you don't see everyday.
Circinus is the "Drawing Compass" and it was very easy to draw. It's the 4th smallest of the 88 constellations. I would have called it an Asterism, but I don't make the rules (which are made to be broken).
Alpha Centaurii (Rigel Kent) is the nearest star system (multiple stars) to our Solar System. It's 2 main components are easily separated thru a small telescope. Rigel Kent is 20° above my horizon when it crosses the Meridian. You really need to be in the Northern Tropics to get a good view. From the Southern Hemisphere it's a piece of 🎂.