EarthSky Community Photos

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Charlie Favret
Round Rock, Texas, USA
06:05 am

Equipment Details:

Olympus EM1 mk II
M.Zuiko 7-14 f2.8 lens at 10mm (35mm equiv is 20mm)
8 sec f2.8 ISO 800
Live Composite mode in camera stack of 64 frames

Post-processing Details:

RAW format image capture, adjustments to white balance, contrast curve and clarity in Lightroom. Export to JPG.

Image Details:

Friday the 13th Horror Story
Starlink Swarm Attacks Leo’s Tail
by Charlie Favret
Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:05am - 6-15am

I was curious to know if one could see the Starlink satellites on a bright night a couple of days after a full moon and inside the city limits. The answer is most definitely yes. The first one began to appear 40 degrees above the NW horizon and they just kept coming, one after another for 10 minutes, making a chain marching completely across the sky. While it was a stunning sight, is it also a sign of the night sky horror to come?
If you look carefully you can see 35 of the Starlink satellites and 2 meteors, maybe lucky Geminids?