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Nicholas Holshouser
Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 413, Pounding Mill Overlook
05:35 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D750, Nikkor 20mm f/1.8 lens

Post-processing Details:

Adjusted exposure, vibrance, and saturation. Removed one plane trail that was in the upper right of the frame

Image Details:

I've been out looking for Perseid for many days, going out later and later as the moon was setting later and later. On Tuesday I knew I'd have only a short window from moon set (about 4:55AM here) and Nautical twilight so I arrived early and setup several cameras. This shot is oriented towards the NNW and another meteor followed it within a minute, though not as bright. All in all it was a good morning as I captured 8 meteors (some very faint) on camera and saw several more well up in the sky. That's an old fire tower (Frying Pan Tower) in the distance and the lights of the Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway to the right of the tower.