
Video: Bird ballet of starlings over Marseille

This short video, shot by Neels CASTILLON shows clouds of starlings flocking over Marseille, France, at dusk. Large starling flocks often form near roosts. These dense concentrations of birds are thought to be a defence against attacks by birds of prey such as Peregrine falcons.

These flocks frequently expand and contract, seemingly without any sort of leader. Each starling changes its course and speed based on the movement of its closest neighbors.

A flock of starlings is known as a “chattering,” “clattering,” “cloud,” “congregation,” or “murmuration.” Whatever the case, it’s breathtaking.

A bird ballet | Music Video from Neels CASTILLON on Vimeo.

Bottom line: This short video, shot by Neels CASTILLON shows clouds of starlings flocking over Marseille, France, at dusk.

April 12, 2013

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