EarthSky Community Photos

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Lynzie Flynn
Sepulveda Basin, Van Nuys, California
09:14 am

Equipment Details:

Olympus OM-1 micro 4/3 camera, M. Zuiko 150-600mm lens
1/2000 @ f5.6, ISO 250, 500mm

Post-processing Details:

Adobe Lightroom

Image Details:

I was standing talking to someone with my back to the sun. All of a sudden I saw a staggeringly bright magenta about 30' in front of me. Then it was gone and a moment later back again. It was an Anna's Hummingbird and each time it turned it's head facing the sun the the magnificent iridescent magenta gorget would appear. When it turned it's head away from the sun, the gorget appeared black. It was such a startling contrast.