EarthSky Community Photos

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Mandy Daniels
Derbyshire, UK
06:08 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D800, Skywatcher 200P, 2x Focal Extender

Post-processing Details:

Autostakkert: Stack best 35% of 62 images
GIMP: Adjust curves, sharpen, create collage

Image Details:

The Moon
20% waning phase
399 300 km distance

The sky was not as specacularly co-operative as the previous day and I had to wait until the Moon was high enough to get maximum resolution, by which time it was getting very bright. Whilst waiting for the telescope to cool and the clouds to clear I shot several high exposure images of the Moon to show the night side in contrast to the day side crescent. Eventually, it was possible to increase the focal length to 2.4 metres and shoot a set of subs for this collection of images.