EarthSky Community Photos

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Mandy Daniels
Derbyshire, UK
04:56 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D800
Skywatcher 200P

Post-processing Details:

GIMP: Stretch curve, adjust brightness & contrast, sharpen slightly, increase saturation.

Image Details:

Whilst waiting for the telescope to cool, the clouds to dissipate and the Moon to climb a bit higher for my next high-resolution imaging attempt, I shot a few quick images to capture the night side of the Moon. This one showed the clouds very clearly whilst still allowing a reasonable view of the darker part A careful examination of the terminator clearly reveals a number of highland points as bright spots against an almost unlit landscape. The exposure for this photograph was f/5.9, 1/8 s, ISO-6400. Due to the high exposure needed to see the Moon like this, three faint background stars have also been imaged.