EarthSky Community Photos

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Andy Dungan
10 mi N of Cotopaxi, CO USA
04:00 am

Equipment Details:

Canon R Full Spectrum with Visible+Ha filter, Sigma 150-600C @400mm 60sec f6.3 iso6400

Post-processing Details:

Stacked and process with Affinity Photo 2 (24 light frames were stacked). Stars were separated into their own layer using StarNet v2 (this makes it possible not to have the stars over-power the deep space object). The colors were the most startling part. I didn't manipulate the colors other than using standard editing skills. I did not manipulate the colors on purpose.

Image Details:

This is only the second picture I have really gotten using the new camera. There is a lot to learn when getting a full spectrum astro modified camera that also works like a Canon Ra (when using the Visible+Ha filter) and will also work like a regular camera with another filter (IR/UV cut filter). One thing for sure there is always so much to learn when doing astro photography.