EarthSky Community Photos

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Christin Nelson
Deadman Pass Rd. (Death Valley, CA)
06:52 pm

Equipment Details:

Sony A7s (1st gen), 14mm lens at f/3.1, 4 sec exposure, 12800 ISO

Post-processing Details:

Adobe Lightroom to remove color noise, no other corrections.

Image Details:

I went out to day camp near Death Valley and got lucky enough to catch the Zodiacal light after sunset. After getting home and reading EarthSky to see the conjunction of Mars and The Pleiades, I decided to double check my photos and wouldn't you know it, it's in there too. The zodiacal light points right to it. :)

Thank you for such a wonderful website and community you have built. It is always a moment of peace and adventure here in this new world.
