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San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines
05:55 pm

Equipment Details:

Samsung Note 8

Aperture: F1.7
Focal Length: 4.30mm
Shutter: 1/4250s
AWB: Auto
EV: 0

Table tripod
Bluetooth Wireless Remote Shutter

Post-processing Details:


Image Details:

Title: A Sunset Like No Other

It was another typical lazy Sunday afternoon, up on the rooftop, which has become a sort of "getaway" refuge to help unwind and rest my mind, I felt the warmth and radiance of the setting sun.

For some time, the Government has been issuing directives on Health and Public Safety. Any day now, the President is scheduled to make an important public announcement of National Concern on this pandemic that hit us like cold steel stabbed in the darkness of night.

The proclamation came the following day known as ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) or Total Lockdown to be strictly observed by all.

Call it intuition, premonition, instinct, second sight, a hunch and foreboding kind of gut feeling but as I watched this unusually bright reddish-orange glow of a fireball slowly descend and disappear into the bowels of the Western horizon t'was there and then, as if like flash of lightning, I realized that this is a sunset like no other...

For when the day is done, and men rests their weary souls on cushioned beds, Life as I've always known will never be the same again...