Posts by 

Peter Lowenstein

Fair weather flights over Zimbabwe

Setting sun with glimpses of fair weather flight in front of it, including circling swallows and a light airplane.

Extremely loud, very close lightning strike

Caution! At full volume, the sound of the strike is so loud that it could damage speakers or affect hearing if headphones are used. Story and video by Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe.

Birdlike cloud over Zimbabwe

Seeing recognizable patterns in unrelated objects is called pareidolia. People love it. Here's a sunset cloud in the shape of a bird, over Africa.

Report from Zimbabwe: Double sunset

A photo of rare sunset, only seen when the sun is low in the sky and likely a result of reflection by ice crystals.

Slow motion time-lapse of crazy lightning

Cool video showing spectacular lightning discharges - running from cloud to cloud - seen from Mutare, Zimbabwe.

Report from Zimbabwe: Second rain

More than two weeks after the first rain of the season, another rainfall. Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe reports.

Report from Zimbabwe: First rain and crepuscular rays

A first rain in six months for Mutare, Zimbabwe. Afterwards, crepuscular rays in a clear blue sky, then against a flaming red sunset.

Barking Dog Cloud

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists.

Report from Zimbabwe: Smoky sunsets

A recent unusual sunset over Mutare, Zimbabwe, caused by smoke from the annual burning of vegetation. Notice color change from yellow to orange to magenta ...

Amazing, blazing equinox sunset

Spectacular flaming fringe on the setting sun over Mutare, Zimbabwe, caused by a bush fire concealed behind the point on the hill over which the sun went down.