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Paul Scott Anderson

Why are these black hole X-ray flashes accelerating?

Astronomers at MIT have observed unusual black hole X-ray flashes that are accelerating in frequency. A white dwarf star near the black hole might be the cause.

Citizen scientists provide insights to Jupiter’s clouds in new study

Scientists thought Jupiter's clouds were made of ammonia. But now, in a new study, citizen scientists provide insights showing that's not the case.

Are methane-belching microbes on Mars hiding underground?

A new study suggests microbes on Mars might exist deep below the surface, and in one region in particular. They might even explain Martian mysterious methane.

Blame asteroid for demise of dinosaurs, not volcanoes

Did an asteroid cause the demise of dinosaurs? Or was it volcanoes, or both? A new study said the huge Chicxulub asteroid impact is still to blame.

Mystery dark spot on Enceladus intrigues scientists

Scientists found an unusual dark spot on Enceladus while looking at old images sent back by Cassini. The odd reddish-brown patch faded away over 3 years.

Are there liquid water brines on Mars? New study casts doubt

Scientists have hypothesized how liquid water brines on Mars could occur. A new study, however, suggested it's more unlikely than previously thought.

Io’s raging volcanoes are self-powered

Does Jupiter's moon Io have a global subsurface magma ocean? A new study said no, and that Io's raging volcanoes are self-powered with their own magma pools.

Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b might have a hazy atmosphere

Does exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b have an atmosphere? A new study said it either has a hazy atmosphere or is geologically active, with volcanoes or plate tectonics.

Moon’s largest crater is rounder than 1st thought

The South Pole-Aitken basin is the moon's largest crater. Scientists have thought it was oval-shaped, but a new study suggests it's more circular.

Hubble’s closest look at a quasar reveals … weirdness

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has taken the closest-ever look at a distant quasar. The new images reveal complex blobs and filaments around the quasar.