Latest images from NASA's July 14, 2015 flyby of Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft, showing evidence of an active surface on Pluto with flowing nitrogen ice.
Pluto has five known moons, and it's a bit surprising that New Horizons hasn't found any new ones yet. Newly released images show small moons Nix and Hydra.
Mission control confirmed end of operations at 3:40 p.m. EDT (1934 UTC), when no signal was detected by NASA’s Deep Space Network station at Goldstone.
This isn't the day and night side of Iapetus. It's the day side, a nearly full-on view. The two sides of this moon of Saturn have very different brightnesses.
Andrew R. Brown, an avid follower of the space program, writes frequently about space topics for EarthSky. Over several years, he has also suggested observations that were carried out by imaging teams of some space missions. He has lives in Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom and works for local government, Kent County Council.