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Player One Apollo-M Mini solar camera with photosphere filter, APM Herschel wedge, Orion ED80CF-T 80mm f6 apo refractor, Celestron SLT mount. An Antares 3x Barlow was added to the imaging train for the close-up of AR3590.
AutoStakkert was used to stack the best 200 frames of SER video for the solar disk and 150 frames for the close-up shot of AR3590. Wavelets were adjusted with Registax and Photoshop was used for additional post-processing.
This filtered image of the Sun's photosphere is dominated by giant sunspot group AR3590, which is more than 10 times the width of the Earth! On 22 February, AR3590 unleashed an X6.3-class solar flare. More X-class solar flares are possible!