EarthSky Community Photos

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Rajat Kumar Pal
Monument Valley, Utah
09:10 am

Equipment Details:

Sony A7SII
Lens : 17-24mm Tamron for Sony

Post-processing Details:

Images were selected using Lightroom Filter utility.
Composite image is prepared in Photoshop.
Exposure, brightness and contrast adjustments were all done in Lightroom and minor adjustments are done in Photoshop.

Image Details:

I wanted to do a composite image of the Annular Solar Eclipse and I tried this one.
This is a composite of the entire eclipse that occurred today , October 14,2023.

In the image, the foreground picture is taken just right after the sunrise, where it is seen at the left of the Sentinel Mesa at the Monument Valley, Utah. I kept this as a foreground image because it shows a beautiful diffraction of the sun rays at the mesa wall and also gives an idea where the sun started its day. The annularity is captured in the clean blue sky in the middle of the beautiful Monument Valley and its monuments and mesas.
It was a beautiful time enjoying the eclipse in the serene company of my wife and other eclipse enthusiasts.

In the composite, from the start to the annularity, I used frames around 5 minutes apart, after the 3rd contact, I used frames approximately around 10 mins apart.
In the entire time of the photography, solar filter was used. So, any color change may be the effect of the solar filter.