EarthSky Community Photos

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Gene Porter
El Dorado, Arkansas
07:52 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon 6D Mark II and 75-300mm Lens, at 200mm, f/9, 10 sec., ISO 100

Post-processing Details:

Very minor adjustments in Photoshop Elements

Image Details:

Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura, looking for that last glimpse. With only an hour to work with after sunset, I was already at 38 minutes after sunset, running out of time, and I couldn't find the comet. I started trying different camera settings trying to reduce light and noise. Never did see the comet.... until I got home and looked at the photos. I knew the area the comet was supposed to be in, so I just aimed the camera and got lucky. I got a small object that appeared in the same spot in several photos, so I knew it was the comet. For me, the comet was faded by sunlight and sinking into earth's atmosphere. Goodbye Nishimura!