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Canon EOS 1300D
Samyang 135mm lens
Ioptron sky tracker mini
Single tracked image of ISO 100, f4, 6 seconds
Processed in PS 2020
Crescent moon of 1st night of Rabi ul Awwal
It was one of those rare days when rainfall washed away all the dust and haze giving us immaculate clarity. The sky was garnished with some amazing cloud formation in the afternoon to start with, followed by one of the most amazing sunsets I had ever witnessed from Lahore skies. And the twilight and it's colors were so mesmerizing that one could not take their eyes away from such serenity.
Crescent moon was at 5.8% illumination and was joined by Spica towards it's left and theta Virginis star at it's right. A thin layer of passing by high clouds added to the composition.