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Tripod-mounted Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS40 in manual exposure mode (4 seconds at f5.6).
Compilation of 3 image montage. Slight enhancement of celestial objects with Star Spikes pro filter to make them more clearly vivible.
Mars, Regulus and Venus with Mercury setting.
Clear sky on the evening of 18th July permitted Mars, Regulus and Venus with Mercury setting below to be observed over receding late volcanic sunset glow between 6.16 and 6.29 pm. The Leo star Algieba was also visible to the right of Regulus. The very thin young 0.6% illuminated crescent Moon could not be seen below Mercury earlier due to bright volcanic sunset glare but should be clearly visible as it waxes and sweeps past Venus, Regulus and Mars in the next two days. Story at