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Diane Rains
Hudson WI USA
09:00 am

Equipment Details:

Panasonic Lumix FZ300 photo of a television displaying a Birdhouse Spy Cam BCAMHEHD Hawk Eye HD Camera livestream

Post-processing Details:

tweaked exposure

Image Details:

Bluebird Bebe Bubbas!!

Squueeeee!! 🥰

We think they hatched in our back yard nestbox on Wednesday June 24. (Wednesday was busy, so we didn't look. Thus we missed the egg pippings!) The timing is right; incubation is about 16 days.

All 5 bubbas are doing well. The parents are attentive and taking excellent care of their children! In only 18 days, these squirmy little plucked-chickeny critters will take wing and make for the sky!

Ain't nature grand? 💕