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Eliot Herman
Tucson AZ
05:20 am

Equipment Details:

Takashashi 120 mm refractor, Nikon Z6II modified for IR, Televue Poewermate 2X

Post-processing Details:


Image Details:

This image shows Jupiter about 10 min after exit when a hole appeared in the clouds. This image was captured in 830 nm infrared which is gray scale and then converted to blue to match my eyes view of the event with a silvery Moon and Jupiter in a blue background. To my eye this is close to my view. This image was captured with a 120 mm Takahshi refractor, a Nikon Z6II modified for 830 nm cutoff infrared, a Televue Powermate 2X. Processed with Photoshop from a single image. A relatively rare event that I just managed to see through the clouds.