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Hand-held Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS40 in sunset mode.
Compilation of montage of four photographs taken between 5.25 and 5.39 am.
Waning Moon in four colours of Volcanic Sunrise.
Monday 20th March 2023 was not only the Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox, but was also marked by the last appearance of this month’s Waning Crescent Moon in a spectacular volcanic sunrise (14 months after the Hunga-Tonga eruption)! Even though volcanic sunsets and in particular sunrises have now become less frequent and noticeable, this one was the most intense for a long time resulting in some amazing photographs. These were taken with the thin Moon being almost overwhelmed by the brightly coloured light from the transient development and disappearance of a vivid volcanic sunrise twilight arch between 5.25 and 5.43 am.