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Hand-held Panasonic Lumix DMC ZS40 in sunset mode.
Preparation of montage combining panoramic views of Sunrise stripe on 14th February and Sunset stripe on 15th March.
Golden Sunrise and Sunset Stripes.
Due to an extraordinary combination of circumstances on the evening of Tuesday 14th March, a concealed ‘letterbox’ sunset behind Murahwa Mountain, between layers of cloud lingering after the departure of Cyclone Freddy, projected a thin horizontal band of golden setting sunlight for several kilometers from west to east towards Mutare. This unusual display which took place around 6.00 pm lasted for only 10 minutes before fading and leaving a bright glow near the sunset point. This situation is almost a mirror image of the one which produced the spectacular Golden Sunrise Stripe which was projected from east to west at 6.00 am month ago - . The accompanying montage is a comparison of the two.