EarthSky Community Photos

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Jeremy Likness
Otter Rock, OR
11:30 pm

Equipment Details:

Sony Alpha 6300
12mm Samyang f/2

Post-processing Details:


Image Details:

The forecast on the Oregon Coast was 100% rain. When I stepped onto the balcony, the wind was blowing sea foam in my face and I rain was falling sideways, so I was surprised to see very clear stars above the edge of the storm. I took 15 4-second exposures at a high ISO (3200) and blended them to create this image. North and right is the first "discovery" of Captain Cook when he spotted Cape Foulweather. Left of center above the clouds is the distinct disc of M31: the Andromeda Galaxy. Diagonally up and left from Andromeda is the faint, fuzzy patch of M33: the Triangulum Galaxy.