EarthSky Community Photos

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Giancarlo Bianchi
Feilding, New Zealand
10:30 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon 5D MKIV. Canon 70-200mm F2.8
Shot at 200mm, F2.8, 3.2 sec, ISO 25600.

Post-processing Details:

12 image stack, processed in Starry Landscape Stacker. Photoshop, Lightroom. All proportions are accurate for focal length. Adjustment for colour temp, saturation, sharpness, clarity and noise control.

Image Details:

I shot this image close to my house in a nearby park in Feilding, New Zealand. Went out for a couple of hours in cloudy weather, hopeful that I would get a lucky break in the clouds. The moon was also rising and I had a 45 minute window to get the camera settings correct and find a composition! I was very pleased with the shot.